What I do

I’m not the expert on your life.
You are.
What I am, most of all,
is a clear witness to the truth of your life.”
-Katherine Robertson-Pilling
… I write about the creative process as a path to personal & professional growth.
… I mentor people in all walks of life to take their passions from idea into form.
… I facilitate creativity training programs and experiential creative process groups.
I’m so deeply moved by the courage of the people I see around me, near and far. We all struggle with our lives from time to time. For some, today’s question is, “Where am I going to get drinking water?” For others, it’s, “Where am I going to find investors for my start up?” We are members of a global community, every one. And we all have a vital contribution to make. As important as anything you might do in the world, is who you are with the person beside you right now. This is how we change the world.
Life is a creative process. My life is my creative process (just like yours). And my deepest longing is to live my life from that place and to support you to do the same.
If you think you might benefit from some deep conversation with someone who will hear you and honor you exactly where you are, then I invite you to connect with me. I will respond to your email and we can explore whether working together seems a good fit. I look forward to hearing from you!