“Create a (r)evolution. Start with your own life.” – Katherine Robertson-Pilling

Helping smart, conscious achievers turn the dreams that still elude them into their Big Vision Projects
Have you ever had that nagging feeling there’s something else you’re here to do? I believe that creating what you long for is the path to personal meaning. So I help smart, conscious achievers like you turn the dream that still eludes you into your Big Vision Project, so you can live (and die) knowing you did what you came to Earth to do.
What’s your big vision?
Whether it’s writing that book, sharing your art, recording an album, making a film, launching a product, building a business, setting up a social enterprise, or restoring your physical health, the world is not complete without your unique contribution. And you aren’t, either.
What’s stopping you?
The deeper your dream—the more precious your vision—the louder those negative voices will be. To do what you’ve never done, you’re likely to confront some self-doubt. Imposter Syndrome is part of the journey. My own Big Vision Project, which became the foundation of all my work, took me 10 years to realize. You can learn to translate your lifelong dream into a clear vision, and then to defuse the old patterns keeping you stuck. And I will show you the first three steps you need to take to get started.
Not sure where to start?
Know you’re meant for more, but just feel stuck or paralyzed by the first step? Do you want to talk more before committing to something that feels really big? I’d be glad to talk to you anytime over coffee (virtually, of course).